A New Direction...

OK, here goes. Amtech - The grass chemical company I had to design a brochure for last term is having a re-vamp! All the work I created for the project was rushed, sloppy and needs a serious re-think. I have a week before Uni kicks off again and with an essay to finish, a pub quiz to organise (more on that soon) and all my research for my FNP to complete it's going to be pretty manic - But watching Pixars `UP` last night has got me full of inspiration! There were clips in the film that were pure masterpieces - really reminded me of Mary Blair illustration work..

It is this sort of style that I want to try an incorporate into Amtech - The colours, the textures and the whole feeling of the illustrations are sick and something that could work so well with giving the face lift Amtech needs.

Another direction I'm thinking of taking is working with the pitch layout shapes I was playing around with waaay back in October (feels like an age ago). Penguin, the masters of book cover design have the clean cut colour and shape style down to a tee - the work I've created already is a bit too similar and abstract - I want to work with this style but in a more practical way for Amtech... Somehow... Here goes!

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