Some Way... Some How

Over the past week I have fallen back into an obsession that results with so much pain, anger and general expense I thought I would never go back. What I'm talking about is skateboarding - and all the pain, anger and expense is totally worth it. As far as obsessions go I think that this may be one that never leaves me... And I'm stoked for it. I promise to myself, no matter how poor, tired, bruised and battered I may become I shall never use it as an excuse not to skateboard...

Anyway, rant over - In my current obsessive state I stumbled across probably the sickest edit a man could ever find. And what I think highlights my dream job. I won't bother trying to explain it. I'll simply say that in some way shape or form I'm going to find a way to blag this `style` of design into a 3rd year project. If you can call it a style, I dunnu. Anyway. Check the linkege below!

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